Our hassle-free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is designed to give you peace of mind.
Changed your mind? If you aren’t delighted with your purchase, you can return a product within 30 days and we will happily refund the purchase price.
Our hassle-free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is designed to give you peace of mind.
Changed your mind? If you aren’t delighted with your purchase, you can return a product within 30 days and we will happily refund the purchase price
Returning Merchandise
- You can return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, as noted below:
- You can only initiate a return after an order has been marked as shipped.
- The refund will be for the full value of the returned items, unless otherwise noted.
- Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.
- Credit for returned items will be applied to the credit method that was used to make the purchase. Returns will be applied to the purchasing credit card within 5 to 10 days of the date that the return is accepted by the fulfiller.
- If a restocking fee will apply to returned items, the amount of the fee is displayed on the final checkout screen when you complete the order and is noted on the packing list included with the order.
Refunds, Credits and Balances Due
As soon as the fulfiller receives and processes your return, we will notify you via email. Your credit card should be credited within 10 business days of the time that you receive this email. The return credit should be reflected on your statement within one or two billing periods, depending on your financial institution’s billing cycle.
Damaged Items
If an order arrives to you with obvious shipping damage, please refuse the delivery. If you have accepted delivery and then find shipping damage, please call the fulfiller immediately using the contact information included with the order.
Please save all packaging material and paperwork for the order if shipping damage is a possible issue. If you dispose of packaging material or attempt to return the merchandise without contacting the fulfiller, you jeopardize our chances of making a claim, and you may not receive credit for the return.
Limits of Responsibility
We accept no responsibility for user-initiated damage and/or loss of parts incurred during operation or use of product.
APO and FPO Addresses
When you request that your order ships to an APO or FPO address, the package will ship SAM (Space Available Mail). SAM is no additional charge and will ship your package from the APO or FPO address via the next available boat.
Price and/or Description Changes
All prices, pictures, and descriptions on this website are subject to change. We maintain no responsibility for inadvertent errors. Please contact us within 30 days regarding price or promotion discrepancies.
When you place your order with us, you agree to the price and terms indicated on this website. Price differences related to future or past prices in our store or any other store are not refundable.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Department 56, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, and agents from any and all claims, liability (including product liability), damages, and/or costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees) that arise from your use of any of Department 56 ‘s services.
Errors on Our Site
Prices and availability of products are subject to change without notice. Errors will be corrected where and when discovered. Department 56 reserves the right to revoke any stated offer, cancel orders, and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in any stated offer or price, including after an order has been submitted and whether or not the order has been confirmed and your payment processed.
If your payment has already been processed for the purchase when your order is cancelled, Department 56 will issue a credit to the payment method used in the amount of the charge. Individual bank policies will dictate when this amount is credited to your account.
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, you may return it in accordance with our Return Policy.